For the Brave and the Voiceless: Honoring Firefighters and Animals of the California Wildfires

First Round of Donated Masks Going Out! - Arm The Animals Clothing LLC

First Round of Donated Masks Going Out!

We are happy to announce that the first batch of donated masks have arrived and are now going out! As we said, we will donate a mask for every mask we sell and this is the first installment for the past 2 weeks!

We know it's a strange, scary time, but seeing everyone respond to the call we put out is truly inspiring and makes us extremely happy. We will be distributing the donations as widely as possible and will address medical professionals first-and-foremost.

We ALL want to thank you for joining-in on this cause and as long as anyone buys a mask cover from us, we will keep donating them to frontline workers who need it the most!

Thank you again, and if you haven't se our Mask Cover Collection, you can check them out here :)

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