For the Brave and the Voiceless: Honoring Firefighters and Animals of the California Wildfires

Guy Breaks Into House To Smoke Weed — And Finds Someone Unexpected

A man entered a vacant house in Houston, Texas, thinking it was the perfect place to smoke some marijuana, when he made a discovery so shocking he thought he was hallucinating. 

When he entered the garage, a young male tiger stared back at him through the bars of a flimsy cage.

Luckily, the man didn’t shrug off the helpless animal and made a phone call. However, when police learned why the caller had been trying to get into the house, they were a bit skeptical.

"A concerned citizen called 311. They were trying to get into this house to smoke marijuana. We questioned them as to whether they were under the effects of the drugs or they actually saw a tiger,” Jason Alderete, a sergeant with Houston Police Department’s livestock animal cruelty unit, told ABC13.

Still unclear whether the caller was high, and guessing this was likely just a prank call, animal enforcement officers with BARC decided to follow up just in case.

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